
Category Archives: Characters


The converted warehouse stands grey and uninviting before me. I know the interior is modern and full of natural light, but the exterior hasn’t quite managed to shed the industrial façade of its origins. I’m a little nervous of my welcome; Ethan is expecting me, but I’m not sure he’ll like some of the questions I’m here to ask.

The ground floor door is open, just like he said it would be, so I make my way inside and take the elevator up to the apartment that spans the top floor. A narrow hallway leads me to another door, and before I have a chance to knock, it opens to reveal a cheeky grin and warm brown eyes.

“Let me guess, you smelled me coming?” I give the werewolf before me a wry smile.

He laughs and moves aside, ushering me in. “I know better than to answer that. Grab a seat and make yourself at home.” He indicates towards the oversized sofas and leather recliners that occupy the main living area. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“Hot water would be good, thanks.”

He quirks an eyebrow at me but says nothing as he heads to the open-plan kitchen and puts the kettle on.

I take the opportunity to check out the view and whistle softly. The panoramic window artistically frames the city skyline, and with the heat of the sun beaming through the glass on a rare sunny day such as this one, I can easily imagine sitting there and doing little else other than basking in the warmth. It takes some effort to tear myself away when Ethan re-joins me with two steaming mugs in his hands.

“Thanks for taking the time to talk to me.” I settle back into one of the oversized sofas and take the mug he offers.

“I figured if I didn’t, you’d arrange for terrible things to happen to me.” He gives me a wink and I stifle a laugh. Oh, if he only knew.

“The readers have been asking about you. They’re curious about your history.”

“They want to know how I came to be so irresistible?”

I snort, unable to restrain myself. “I’m sure that was the subtext. They know you’re from Donegal and were wondering how long it’s been since you were last home?”

He shrugs, a blank mask replacing the playful look on his face. “A year, two maybe.”

“That’s a long time. Your family must miss you.”

“I am very missable.” He grins, but I’m not fooled.

“What made you leave?”

“I needed a break, I guess. With the pack I was always the Alpha’s first born, never just Ethan. Everyone means well, but it gets tiring.”

“I can imagine. It must be hard having people look up to you all the time.”

“I don’t want people to look up to me.”

“What did your dad think about you leaving?”

“To him the pack is everything; the thought of not being with them is unimaginable. He’s given up arguing with me to come home now, but he still doesn’t understand, not really.”

“And what does the pack mean to you?”

“The pack are my family, and I love them dearly. I’m just not ready to go back to them yet.”

“Because of Sean?”

His brown eyes darken and his body stills. Little hairs on my arms stand on end as some ancient part of me recognises danger in the energy thrumming from him. But he won’t hurt me, I know that.

It’s a full minute before he speaks. “How can I face them knowing his killer still walks free? What kind of leader would that make me?”

“Do you think they’ll blame you?”

“It doesn’t matter either way.”

“Because you blame yourself?”

The heavy silence provides the only answer I need.

“From what I understand, Sean came to Dublin to try convince you to go home. Would you have gone? If what happened hadn’t happened …”

His gaze turns distant, a shadow of regret making him seem older than his thirty years. “Maybe. It was easy to convince myself I didn’t miss the pack when I was on my own. Then Sean showed up and it reminded me of everything I’d left behind. I still didn’t want the responsibility of being anyone’s Alpha, but I guess the time away helped me gain a bit of perspective.”

“Do you think he’d want you to stay away now?”

“No. But he always was a selfless bastard like that. If he’d spent less time worrying about others maybe he’d still be alive.”

“Then he wouldn’t have been Sean.”

A small smile tugs at the side of Ethan’s mouth as he nods a small acknowledgement. He’s silent for a minute, then his expression once again turns playful just as I’m taking a drink of my hot water. “So do the readers think I’m irresistible?”

I choke, my eyes watering as I try to manage the logistics of not spraying the water everywhere with laughter. “I’m sure they wouldn’t kick you out of bed for eating a pack of crisps.”


A blast of warm air hit me as I opened the door to the small backstreet pub. I’d left the location up to Shade since he was doing me the favour, and I was a little surprised as the catchy rhythm of “Whiskey In The Jar” filled my ears. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing I love more than a good pub with live Irish music – and cheese sandwiches, you can’t beat pub cheese sandwiches! – but it wasn’t what I’d expected for my interview with the moody vamp.

I wove my way between the old wooden tables, my shoes sticking to the alcohol-soaked floor with each step. It didn’t take me long to find him sitting in a darkened corner of the pub. A creamy pint of Guinness sat in front of him and a multi-coloured cocktail waited patiently on the table for me.

I pushed back the nerves tickling my belly and gave him a smile.

“Thanks for meeting me.”

He inclined his head in acknowledgement, but his icy blue eyes gave me no hint of his thoughts.

I pulled out the chair opposite him and sat down in front of the cocktail, momentarily distracted as I tried to guess what strange concoction it contained.

“Did it surprise you when the readers picked you for the interview?”

“Nah, the girls love a bad boy, how could they resist.”

His face was so deadpan that I wasn’t sure if he was being serious or self-deprecating.

“How about we start with you telling them something about yourself?”

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, black hair flopping to the side. “Well, let’s see. I’m a Scorpio. I enjoy long walks on the beach, and I love a girl with a big … red blood cell count.”

I snorted, half choking after taking that inopportune moment to sample my drink. I caught a glimpse of a sly smirk before his expression returned to its usual sullen mask.

“You don’t like letting people in, do you?”

He shrugged. “People need to earn trust. Most don’t deserve it.”

“But Ethan does?”

“Ethan’s a good guy. He has a bad tendency to want to save everyone, but his heart is in the right place.”

“How did you meet?”

“It was a dark and story night –” he chuckled at the look on my face and leaned back in his chair. “Okay, okay. I was hunting bloodlust vamps in Dublin one night and I got into a spot of bother. Ethan happened to be passing and he gave me a dig out. Seemed like a guy worth sticking with.”

“Why were you hunting your own kind?”

The blue of his eyes darkened to almost black sending a chill through me.

“They’re not my kind.”

I held up my hands, subconsciously pushing back in my seat. “Sorry, I didn’t mean any insult. I’m just confused about why you’d be hunting vamps.”

“Bloodlust vamps,” he corrected. “Idiots that can’t control themselves and let innocent people pay the price.”

I study him for a moment, the vehemence in his voice taking me aback; it was the most emotion I’d seen from him.

“Ethan said you don’t know who your Sire is, is that true?”

His body tensed, so subtly that I might have missed it if I hadn’t been paying close attention.

“What of it?”

“I can’t imagine how scary it would be. Waking up completely changed, with no one to explain it to you.” His jaw ticked and I hesitated. “I’ve heard the hunger is difficult for newly turned vamps. How did you avoid the bloodlust?”

His eyes took on a faraway stare, and he was quiet for so long that I didn’t think he’d answer.

“I had help.”

I opened my mouth to press further, but the haunted look in his eyes stopped me.

“Why don’t you like Phoenix?” I asked, opting instead for a change of subject.

He took a long drink from his pint, licking off the creamy foam that coated his top lip. His gaze bore into me.

“Because she’ll get him killed.”

With that, he stood from the table. “It was good to talk to you. Tell the readers I said hi.”