“Granny? You home?”

I pushed open the door to the small cottage, my key jamming in the lock as I tried to extricate it. The subtle hint of lavender tickled my nose as sunlight filtered into the bright hallway. I stopped in my tracks.

The oak side table rested against the wall as it always did, but the delicate fairy ornaments that normally decorated its surface were no longer in their rightful place. Instead, they were smashed to smithereens on the floor.

“Granny?” Panic tightened my chest as I hurried into the sitting room, not even bothering to close the front door behind me.

The floral armchair where my granny would normally be found thumbing through her latest thriller novel was vacant. The purple cushion that rested on it was plump and inviting, showing no signs that a person had recently used it for support.

Confused, I looked around the room. Everything was as I’d expect – with the exception of Granny’s noticeable absence – yet something felt off.

It took a moment before the empty space on the mantelpiece registered with me. The antique silver clock that had been there for as long as I could remember was missing. My worry mounted as potential scenarios flashed through my mind.

What if someone had broken in while Granny was here alone? What if she was hurt?

At almost ninety years of age, Granny O’Meara was often hard of hearing. So, clinging to the hope that she was making tea and simply hadn’t heard me call, I made my way into the kitchen.

Once again, I was met with an empty room.

The panic I’d been trying hard to ignore turned my stomach to a churning mass. I was just debating whether it was time to call 999 when, through the kitchen window, I caught sight of a hunched figure in the garden.

Relief washed over me, loosening the vice that had constructed my ribs and refused me breath. I mentally berated myself for jumping to such dramatic conclusions; there would be a simple explanation for the broken ornaments and missing clock. The last few months had clearly turned me into a basket case.

Schooling my features so that none of the residual panic showed in my expression, I pushed open the double doors that led to the back garden and hurried to my granny’s side.

“There you are. I was wor…” The words died in my throat as I took in the distraught look on her face. Instantly, the panic returned.

“What happened?”

With a trembling hand, Granny O’Meara pointed to a circle of scorched earth at her feet. “I couldn’t understand why the fairies were so angry with me. They kept hiding my things, and then this morning my ornaments were broken.”

Her voice cracked. “Oh, Aisling dear. It’s awful. Their beautiful home.”

I frowned, more confused than ever – which was saying something.

“Why don’t we go inside and I’ll make you a cup of tea,” I suggested, taking her gently by the elbow. “You can tell me what happened.”

As it turned out, making tea was less straightforward than I’d have expected. Granny’s normally meticulous cupboards were a mess. I found her glasses, hairbrush, and even the antique clock from the mantelpiece before I finally found the tea bags. Eventually, though, we were settled at the small round dining table with steaming mugs resting in front of us.

“It’s the fairies,” she said in response to the confusion that must have been evident on my face.



This cat is on his last life…


It’s time to make a choice…




Author of gripping urban fantasy, L.M. Hatchell weaves the magic and mythology of Ireland into supernatural tales that will keep you turning the pages long into the night.

As mammy to two miniature humans with big personalities, her spare time is rare and precious. When she’s not lost in imaginary worlds, she loves nothing more than doing fun tricks in aerial yoga or shaking what her mama gave her in a Zumba class.

Join her for a dose of pure escapism as she brings Ireland’s hidden world of magic to life.


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Fantastic urban fantasy book that I couldn’t put down!

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Gripped from start to finish

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Gripping story from the first page to the last with instantly likeable characters making it a hard book to put down!

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It’s very rare that I read an Urban Fantasy book set in Ireland that doesn’t drive me mad with stereotypes, this was absolutely perfect.

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